
Visioning a "Sustainable Chicagoland"

Help develop a vision for a "Sustainable Chicagoland". What processes are needed? How can we help nourish them?

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Coming up next...

Peaking Problems:
And the Refocusing of Progress

Thursday, October 25th, 7-9 pm
A just released book, Peak Everything: Waking Up to the Century of Declines by Richard Heinberg, addresses many of the changes needed to adjust to natures limits. It reviews the evidence for decreased availability of fossil fuels, grain, fresh water and many crucial minerals and metals. He foresees the consequent decline of population and conventional economic growth, and considers climate stability to have already peaked. Thomas J. Murphy, Professor Emeritus, Chemistry, former director of DePaul's environmental science program will review these concerns and the prospects for refocusing our culture on sustainable living.

At North Park Village Nature Center, 5801 N Pulaski, Chicago
posted by Rael  # 12:36 PM


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